
Web Developer (Beginner, Onsite Course)

Original price was: Rp3.360.000.Current price is: Rp2.520.000.

Course content

  1. Introduction to Web Development
    Overview of web development, technologies, and career paths.
  2. Setting Up Your Development Environment
    Installing text editors, browsers, and basic tools for web development.
  3. HTML: Structure of a Web Page
    Introduction to HTML, creating basic web pages, and understanding tags.
  4. HTML5: Advanced Features
    Exploring new HTML5 elements like canvas, audio, video, and forms.
  5. CSS: Styling a Web Page
    Introduction to CSS, applying styles, and working with selectors.
  6. CSS3: Advanced Styling Techniques
    Using flexbox, grid, animations, and transitions for modern layouts.
  7. Responsive Web Design
    Creating mobile-first designs with media queries and flexible layouts.
  8. Introduction to JavaScript
    Basics of JavaScript, working with variables, data types, and functions.
  9. JavaScript: DOM Manipulation
    Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM) and manipulating elements dynamically.
  10. JavaScript: Events and Event Handling
    Handling user interactions like clicks, forms, and keyboard events.
  11. Introduction to Version Control with Git
    Installing Git, creating repositories, and understanding commits and branches.
  12. Web Development Workflow with GitHub
    Using GitHub for collaboration, pull requests, and project management.
  13. Working with Forms in HTML and JavaScript
    Validating forms, handling inputs, and creating interactive forms.
  14. Introduction to APIs and JSON
    Understanding APIs, making HTTP requests, and working with JSON data.
  15. Basic SEO Principles
    Optimizing web pages for search engines with meta tags and best practices.
  16. Deploying Your First Website
    Introduction to web hosting services, deploying a static website, and managing domains.


Capstone Project

  1. Personal Portfolio Website: Create a responsive personal portfolio site to showcase your projects and skills, utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  2. Task Tracker Application: Develop a full-stack task tracker application where users can create, update, and delete tasks, implementing RESTful APIs and user authentication.
  3. Real-Time Chat App: Build a real-time chat application using WebSockets and Node.js, allowing users to communicate in different chat rooms.
  4. Recipe Finder App: Design a web application that fetches and displays recipes from an external API, implementing search functionality and displaying results dynamically.
  5. E-commerce Product Page: Create a product detail page for an e-commerce site using React, featuring product images, descriptions, and a shopping cart component.

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