AI Courses
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Course Program
What you'll learn
- Learn to build electronic circuits from Scratch
- Learning to build Programming from Scratch
- Programming the Arduino prototyping platform
- Understanding use of Sensors and other Components
- Build an Obstacle Avoiding robot
- Build Electronic Devices using LED’s motors sensors
Course Program
- Learn to build electronic circuits from Scratch
- Learning to build Programming from Scratch
- Programming the Arduino prototyping platform
- Understanding use of Sensors and other Components
- Build an Obstacle Avoiding robot
- Build Electronic Devices using LED’s motors sensors

Knowledge & skill you'll learn

Course content
Junior class
Senior class
Junior class
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Senior class
- Belajar I/O
- Belajar OOP (Fungsi, Class, Library)
- Belajar Eletronika Sensor Garis
- 4 Belajar Electronika: Driver Motor
- 5 Tunning PID Line Follower
- 6 Tunning Speed
- 7 Sensor IMU (Accelerometer, Compas, Gyro)
- 8 Sensor Odometri
- 9 Sensor Warna
- 10 Obstacle Avoidance (Ultrasonic)
- 11 Belajar STEM dalam Pemrograman (Trigonometri, Pressure, Dynamic and Kinematic)
- 12 Tugas Besar (Design, Coding, Integration)
a Forklift
b Dump Truck
- c Excavator
- d Crane
- 13 Belajar Self Project Teams
- 14 Belajar Line following
- 15 Demo 1
- 16 Demo 2
Course Program
- Learn to build electronic circuits from Scratch
- Learning to build Programming from Scratch
- Programming the Arduino prototyping platform
- Understanding use of Sensors and other Components
- Build an Obstacle Avoiding robot
- Build Electronic Devices using LED’s motors sensors