
C++ Coding (Beginner, Online Course)

Original price was: Rp2.688.000.Current price is: Rp2.016.000.

Course content

  1. Introduction to C Programming
    Overview of C language, history, and basic features.
  2. Setting Up the Development Environment
    Installing and configuring IDEs, compilers, and writing the first program.
  3. Understanding Basic Syntax and Structure
    Components of a C program, syntax rules, and main function.
  4. Variables and Data Types
    Declaring variables, primitive data types, and typecasting.
  5. Input and Output Operations
    Using printf and scanf functions for input/output.
  6. Operators and Expressions
    Arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise, and assignment operators.
  7. Control Flow: Conditional Statements
    Decision-making with if, if-else, nested if, and switch-case.
  8. Control Flow: Loops
    Implementing loops with for, while, and do-while constructs.
  9. Arrays: Introduction and Basics
    Understanding array declaration, initialization, and accessing elements.
  10. Working with Strings
    String handling functions, manipulation, and common operations.
  11. Functions: Basics and Usage
    Defining and using functions, passing parameters by value.
  12. Functions: Recursion
    Understanding recursive functions with examples.
  13. Pointers: Introduction and Fundamentals
    Concept of pointers, memory addresses, and dereferencing.
  14. Pointers and Arrays
    Interacting with arrays using pointers, pointer arithmetic.
  15. Introduction to Structures
    Defining and using structures, storing data of different types.
  16. Basic File Handling in C
    Opening, reading, writing, and closing files using standard I/O functions.


Capstone Project

  1. Basic Calculator Application: Develop a command-line calculator that performs basic arithmetic operations using functions and dynamic memory allocation.
  2. Student Management System: Create a simple application to manage student records, implementing linked lists for data storage and allowing operations like adding, deleting, and displaying records.
  3. File-Based Address Book: Design an address book program that allows users to add, search, and delete contacts, utilizing file handling for data persistence.
  4. Multithreaded Download Manager: Build a simple download manager that downloads files using multiple threads, showcasing concurrency concepts and socket programming for network requests.
  5. Maze Solver: Implement a maze-solving algorithm using depth-first search (DFS) to find a path through a given maze represented as a 2D array, demonstrating graph algorithms and recursion.\

Course Detail :